Holistic and Spiritual Therapy

Many of us believe in the transcendence of life, follow a religious or spiritual path and realize that some ailments and especially mental health can be affected by a holistic, integrative, spiritual healing from a professional that shares such beliefs and in addition to the science of their training, to treat the body and the mind, also include the treatment of the spirit.
It is evident some ailments are caused by traumas upon hearing distressing news, or hopelessness and other such negative experiences. In the same manner intense joy, hopefulness, love, affection can help the healing process. For those who hold a religious and spiritual understanding, the power of prayer is real. The relationship of the healer and the patient then has a third reality, that of the transcendence. Such healers and patients know of the positive effects of the magnetic energy, the contagious spiritual strengths, the hope, the congruence in the relationship between the physical and spiritual, the value of prayer, meditation, plus the sincerity of the healer in treating the patient.
Medical research and studies on the above topics, confirm that the healer-patient connection can bring about deeper, more profound healing for some ailments. Among the qualities observed in such healers were the unconditional positive regard, the empathetic understanding, the transmission of hope and confidence in the healing process. Healers share a profound connection with and are a channel for the power of the transcendent. This creates a higher level of trust in the therapeutic relationship, and the health outcomes. Patients in such therapeutic relationships, reported that the healer was a wise companion, a compassionate counselor, a competent coach, one who showed their empathy by giving their full attention and transmitted a contagious faith and hope in the healing outcome.