Online Counseling for Grief

Grief Counseling is a type of therapy that can help those who have experienced a traumatic loss. The symptoms may include the following: when this grief is complicated and interferes with work and relationships, when it is dealt with by negative grieving patterns such as substance abuse, or when it disrupts our healthy sleep or eating patterns.
The loss of someone we love is one of the most difficult hardships we will all face in our lifetime. This will vary depending on multiple factors: our relationship with that person, the circumstances and our response to the loss, or our spiritual and cultural background. We may need professional help with moving through the various stages of grief and the healing process.
A qualified grief therapist can help people find healthy ways to mourn the death of a loved one. This includes accepting the reality of the loss, giving permission to grieve, or talking and expressing emotions and thoughts. To find meaning and deal with grief a therapist can assist someone to overcome guilt, deal with anger and regret, cope with life changes resulting from the loss or check for signs of depression. They can also deal with long term overwhelming and intense emotional pain, offer a support system, or family counseling if needed. They can also help with setting realistic goals, using art therapy, journaling and other appropriate techniques.
Counselors often face multi cultural families, people living in cultures that are not their traditional ones. Such situations are especially difficult as what is considered normal in one culture maybe considered taboo in another when dealing with death of a loved one. It is then important for the counselor to be familiar and respect such different cultures and spiritual beliefs supporting the people as they grieve their own way and in their own time. Grief counseling can also help with other types of loss, including workplace grief, women suffering miscarriages or loss of a pet, among others.

Online Counseling for Bereavement

Bereavement is a difficult type of grief which we all experience at some time involving the death of a loved one. It varies due to the relationship with the deceased, the meaning of life and death, the cultures involved, the circumstances of death, how this will affect their economic security, the grief of others and realization of one’s own mortality,
In our current health pandemic, many have not been able to follow a normal mourning or grieving process of a loved you due to the restrictions imposed.
Some of the expressions of this type of grief will depend on the cause of death, range from sadness to anger as already mentioned earlier and can also include excessive crying, obsession or difficulty engaging with memories of the deceased, on following very diverse cultural and ritual beliefs that range from a long mourning and bereavement period and rituals to not allowing such expressions of loss, will vary depending on the position held in the community by the deceased and follow different ways of disposing the remains.
Bereavement and grief online counseling and therapy helps those suffering from the loss of loved ones to practice self care, to find meaning, go through the various stages of grief to begin healing, to accept the loss and help coping with the changes needed.